Author Archives: adminseefido
Teckel Dog Breed Information
The Teckel was originally brought up to be a burrow defender. For being a hunter [...]
When you see a dog cower before you when you are going to pat it [...]
Shih Tzu Dog Breed Information
Elegant, cultivated and distinguished, the Shih Tzu is Ambassador of the East and the bearer [...]
Samoyed Dog Breed Information
The “plush bear”, white and comes from the North. The Samoyed dog has very keen [...]
Rough Collie Dog Breed Information
The Rough Collie is a beautiful Scottish sheep dog and has long hair. Height, weight: up [...]
Raw Dog Food Recipe
Where people got the idea into their heads of feeding their dog raw dog food recipes such [...]
Puppy Dog Nutrition & Puppy Teeth
Trouble with a puppy’s tooth can be caused by his nutrition. There are some complications [...]
Pomeranian Dog Breed Information
Better known as the “Lulu”. The Pomeranian is the smallest of the European Spitz Family. [...]
Pekingese Puppy Pekingese Dog Breed & Race Information
You likely seen a Pekingese Dog before with an odd, inelegant shape, short legs and [...]
Motorcycle Dog Carrier
Be sure when buying a motorcycle dog carrier to buy a good sturdy one. As motorcycles are [...]