Author Archives: adminseefido

When is a Dog and Adult

In toy, small and medium-sized breeds, this particular stage starts after the short period of transition [...]

Dog Breeding Beginner Information

Man have been breeding dogs for years and getting information on how to better and purify [...]

Excessive biting

To people and by puppies If there exists any kind of typical behavior of the [...]

Choosing a Male or Female Dog

Consult with your dog’s probable future veterinary to help you out choose the right breed [...]

Practical Guide to Canine Behavior

Knowing and understanding what dog breed to select and what behavior to expect is a [...]

Remote Controlled Dog Trainer

Practice makes perfect, and Multivet has the tools required to help you educate your dog. [...]

Why Cats Bring Home Dead Animals: Bird, Rat or Mouse

Why do cats bring home dead animals? Believe it or not, when a cat hunts down [...]

How Cats Evaluate Scent & its Messages

Humans for the most part simply think of smells as either nice or unpleasant. For [...]

Cat Shelter

Creating a cat shelter for your pet is something that requires planning and preparation. Not [...]

Cat Vision

Cat Vision evolves of time as cats are born blind and their eyelids are sealed [...]