Author Archives: adminseefido

Argentinean Dogo Dog Breed Information

A modern Argentine breed, the Argentinean Dogo was selected exclusively for hunting. Height, weight: from 60 [...]

Anti Dog Barking. No Bark Dog Store

no bark Dog Collars like the citronella Bark Collar discourages your dog from barking loudly for long periods [...]

American Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dog Breed & Race Information

The American Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog comes from the crossing of Bulldogs and many terriers, [...]

American Cocker Dog Breed Information

An American Cocker is the USA version of the English classic. Height, weight: it shouldn’t be [...]

Alphabetical Dog Names

Below is a list of dog names you can use and should read very carefully. [...]

Alaskan Malamute Dog Breed Information

The Alaskan Malamute dog is the most sturdy and majestic of the sleigh dogs. Nowadays, its [...]

Akita-Inu Dog Breed Information

This (inu) dog, comes from Japan and is the most majestic representative of the international [...]

Airedale Terrier Dog Breed Information

In passed, the Airedale Terrier used to call it the “king of the Terriers”, to [...]

Air Conditioned Dog House

Living in a moderate climate, one does not need to worry about having an air [...]

Afghan Hound Dog Breed Information

An Afghan Hound is also an oriental Lebrel, very attractive: is a dog to admire [...]