Author Archives: adminseefido
Dog Agility Training Competitions
The first dog agility training competition took place in Spain, and were then regularized. They [...]
Dog – Puppy Delivery (Dog Whelping)
Puppies will be born, more or less, 63 days after mating. You should use a [...]
Puppy Games at Play, Online, Web Happy
Indoor happy puppy games: Hide and Seek Game Their house fit! You must hide objects that the [...]
Doberman Dog Breed Information
The Doberman is powerful and muscular, runs very fast and is a incorruptible guardian. Height, [...]
Deworming Puppy Dog Vaccinations. How to Deworm a Puppy
One of the most important responsibilities you have as a dog owner is to insure [...]
Deutsche Dogge AKA Great Dane Breed & Race Information
From German Information, the Deutsche Dogge “Great Dane” is huge stylized dog is very old [...]
Miniature Dachshund Puppy Dog Breed & Race Information
The variety of Miniature Dachshund dogs is huge, for there are three colors, three sizes and three [...]
Creamy sweet potatoes recipe for dogs
Sweet treats: Nutritious and sweet this colorful potato is a favorite of dogs everywhere. Not only does the [...]
Correcting Common Puppy Behavior Problems
Let’s say that you have already read and learned about controlling many of the major [...]
Controlling Aggressive dog Behavior
GUARD OR PROTECTION DOGS: Many people consider getting a dog for protection or for guarding [...]