Author Archives: adminseefido
San Francisco Dog Kennel
I never knew how complex life as a dog was until I started working in [...]
Types of Dog Coats: Long, Curly, short thick coats
Dogs with this type of hair have shorter under coats which are moderately abundant and [...]
Shih tzu Grooming Style
Material to use: Electric trimmer. Teasels, comb, nail clippers, straight scissors, serrated scissors. Instructions: Cut the [...]
Cutting dog hair with scissors
Using an electric hair trimmer is less dangerous than scissors, however it is still a [...]
Cleaning a Dog’s Anal Glands: How to Clean Dog Anal Gland
A dog’s anal glands are the two small sacks bracketing from the anus. If you [...]
Puppies with Rickets
Often, a stray dog that hasn’t had a good master or never had one at [...]
When to Get Involve in Helping the Female Dog Give Birth
More often than not do we hear an experienced breeder making such irresponsible comments like [...]
First Symptoms of Dog Labor
As you already know, the first imminent symptom of birth is a considerable drop in [...]
Chicago Dog Bite Lawyer
Chicago Dog Bite Lawyers will be able to inform you on the dog bite laws [...]
It is understood for agoraphobia the exaggerated fear, or phobia, to being in open spaces. [...]