Dog Encephalon & Encephalitis

Encephalon in Dog: When a dog shows a minor loss of consciousness after a traumatic accident, you should talk to your vet about the possibility of a neurological disorder. Increased Intracranial pressure brings along symptoms of the loss of consciousness with papilar edema (congestion of the blood vessels of the optic disk); progressive affectation of the cranial nerves, rigidness of the neck or extensor muscles. And secondary effects, there can be fever (indication of infection), hypothermia (damages to the encephalic trunk). Long-term brain afflictions can be the succinct appearance of marked symptoms.

Encephalitis in Dog: The inflammation of the encephalon can be due to different causes. Sometimes due to infectious or contagious diseases, or do you do the invasion of viruses in the brain tissue. The primary symptoms are a change of personality, shyness and unwillingness. There are periods of excitement and irregular movements, in which they don’t lie down constantly. The expression on the dog’s face is fixed, strange and absent. The body temperature goes up and stays pretty high during the course of the disease. They may also emit penetrating howls. After that, comes a state of depression, in ways the dog remains calm, lying down and, sometimes, with the head leaned on a particular object. The dog doesn’t respond to exterior stimuli and then falls into unconsciousness. In extreme cases, before death, there is a lateral paralysis in a group of muscles or in the whole muscle system. This must be attended by the vet urgently.

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