Basset Hound Puppy Dog Breed & Race Information

They might seem clumsy, not very agile and stubborn, but the Basset Hound dog is an outstanding hunter, that follows their prey showing great physical resistance. Its unique morphology is very useful in uneven territory. They have a keen sense of smell, which they use well since their short legs allow their nose to be comfortably close to the ground. They are excellent trackers, however they are a bit limited by there speed. They were recognized in the Middle Ages and is of French origin. Their ancestors were from Basset of Artois, which is extinct today. Their morphology was developed by the English over a century ago when they bred them with the Bloodhound, a descendant hound of Saint Humbert. King Edward VII was very fond of this breed. Shakespeare had Teseo make a portrait of one in “A Summer Night Dream”. My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind, So flew’d, so sanded, and their heads are hung. With ears that sweep away the morning dew; Crook-knee’d, and dew-lapp’d like Thessalian bulls; Slow in pursuit, but match’d in mouth like bells.

Character of the Basset Hound dog breed: Very stubborn which needs to be trained properly. If not dealt with severely, they will always be boisterous and unruly. They are good companions, sweet, calm and loyal. They take advantage of their sad look for people to feel pity for them. They need to be cheered and almost forced to have exercise for them not to put on weight. They like playing with children.

The bassett hound is a low-to-medium maintenance dog. Keep in mind that hounds slobber much more than other breeds. The No. 1 reason people give up their bassets is because they drool too much. (The No. 2 reason is that the dog got bigger than expected.)

  1. Keep your basset’s weight down. Overweight dogs will have more health problems, including heart trouble and arthritis.
  2. Learn what health problems are associated with this breed: Von Willebrand’s disease (a blood disorder), glaucoma, torsion (stomach bloat, a very serious emergency), smelly ears, paneosteitis (also called transient lameness), and allergies to pollens and grasses.
  3. Brush your basset once a week and shedding will be minimal. Use a hound glove to keep his coat shiny.
  4. Wipe out his ears at that time to prevent odors and infections.
  5. Bathe the dog infrequently; he doesn’t require special grooming and can be washed at home.
  6. Remember that bassets tend to be somewhat stubborn, which means that you must be consistent and patient while training them.
  7. Keep your basset inside or out. Remember that he’ll be much happier indoors with the family, though, since bassets prefer to be with their pack.
  8. Be prepare to enjoy a good 8 to 12 years with your basset – this is the average life expectancy of a basset hound.

Characteristics of the Basset Hound puppy

  • Size: 33 to 38 cm. When they are 38 cm they are not able to compete.
  • Weight: 23 kg. approx.
  • Color: all hound colors. Tricolor (black, white & tan) or bicolor (orange & white)
  • Coat: short & straight.

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