Canine Dog Nutritional Needs. Proteins, Lupids, Sugar, Minerals

Everyone knows or has heard about basic nutrients, formed by proteins, sugars and fats.
Proteins for dogsProteins are hydrogenated soluble substances that intervene in the anabolic process, in the constitution and maintenance of the cells; as well as the maintenance of the organism and its growth. Their functions are essentially plastic. A lack of proteins can have serious repercussions in the structural conformation, the immune system, maintenance, growth, enzyme and hormonal production. During digestion proteins release amino acids which are controlled by the liver. These are considered indispensable for the organism’s equilibrium, especially during growth. All the different amino acids end up combining each other, in association with a vitamin and an oligo element in the liver. Some studies have shown that some amino acids are good for long efforts as well as for the treatment of heart problems. The proportion of these is larger in fresh foods than in dry ones, especially in those of animal origins, like lamb and ox. These are also found in rice and beer yeast but in lesser quantities. The foods with the most amounts of proteins are: fish, meat, eggs and soy products.

Lipids: These are fat substances that come from animals or plants, after they are digested by the intestine; they turn into fat acids like glycerin. Their function is plastic and energetic. The fat acids are divided into: saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated and lynoleic. All of these cover the energetic necessities well. These lipids are found in vegetable oils, animal fat and mixed fat.

Sugars: Essentially of a vegetable origin, their role is plastic and also energetic. There are different types of sugars:

  • Sugars (glucose, sucrose, lactose and fructose), dogs aren’t supposed to eat candied;
  • Cellulose, these are found in vegetables and are not soluble in water; they act as fiber and give the ration volume, but they have no nutritional value;
  • Starches, these come from cereals, grains, etc.

In dogs, sugars represent half of their dry ration and are based essentially in the use of foods like rice or pasta; that prevent any digestive annoyance provoked by an allergic reaction, since steam cooking weakens the starches and makes them more sensitive to the pancreatic amylases. Boiled potatoes and cereals also seem to give good results.

Minerals: These are divided in macro elements and oligoelements. They usually act together, that is why the lack or excess of one of them can alter or inhibit the action of one or several more minerals. Even though we usually speak about macro elements and micro elements, without being specific, it is good to know a little about their nature.The Macro Elements

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