When the Female Dog is Going to Give Birth

In this section, not only will you get to know the sequence of a normal birth, but also how you must act as of from the 58th day of pregnancy, which are the first symptoms of imminent birth and the evidence that something might not be going okay and will birth in a dog kennel.

What to do starting the 58th day of Pregnancy?
First Symptoms of LaborThe Process of a Normal Whelping
Normal WhelpingWhelping
WhelpingWhelping stages
Last Whelping StageWhen Problems Start
DystociaHow To Determine Dystocia
Administering oxytocinPosition in which puppies are born
How should I apply manual traction?When must I act?
Identifying the PuppiesComplete Check-Up To Discard Anomalies
Most Common Anomalies In Newborn Puppies“Swimmers” Or Flat-Chested Puppies
Hypothermia, Your Puppies’
Worst Enemy
When Is Birth Stage Over?
Visiting the Veterinarian: a MUST!The Moment the Female Dog is Going to Give Birth

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