Author Archives: adminseefido

Cleaning a Dog’s Anal Glands: How to Clean Dog Anal Gland

A dog’s anal glands are the two small sacks bracketing from the anus. If you [...]

Dog Grooming

Basic Dog Grooming of hair and skin: A dog’s coat can be long and soft [...]

Saluki Dog

Description: The saluki is a dignified, intelligent and independent dog. It is known to be [...]

Dog Breeds

In seeFIDO you will find all the information you need about each of the 166 [...]

When the Female Dog is Going to Give Birth

In this section, not only will you get to know the sequence of a normal [...]

Teen Puppy

We already know that this stage begins with the first signs of heat, and it’s [...]

Responsible Dog Breeding

Thing to consider: It definitely is your right to breed your dog. Your own good judgment [...]

Puppy Stage

The growth stage of a puppy, obviously, begins at the moment of birth and continues [...]

Female Dog Pregnancy Stages and Cycle Time Line

The first thing that is convenient to know is how from a zygote (The cell [...]

Different Stages in the Female Dog’s Life

The same as with any other being, bitches go through different stages in their lives, [...]